Redwing Environmental - Quality Air Monitoring | Tel:0844 686 7000
Redwing Environmental - Quality Air Monitoring | Tel:0844 686 7000
Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) is an engineering control system designed to reduce exposure to airborne contaminants such as dust, mist, fume, vapour or gas in a workplace. An LEV system usually consists of a hood where the contaminant enters into ducting before moving through a filter via a fan onto a safe discharge point. All Redwing staff hold P601 Certification, which is the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) course for the thorough examination and testing of local exhaust systems.
To meet with legislation within the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, employers must ensure that a thorough examination and test of LEV is carried out at least every 14 months (unless otherwise stated). *
Redwing Environmental can provide competent, experienced staff to conduct LEV testing and provide a detailed report upon completion. A thorough examination and test will involve a comprehensive visual and structured examination, including checking for damage, wear and tear and filter effectiveness checks. A review of technical performance will include velocity measurements, fan checks and may require the use of smoke tubes and a dust lamp to check for leaks and the overall LEV performance. Our LEV testing follows official guidance of LEV testing as detailed in the current Health and Safety Executive HSG258 2017 document.
* Exceptions to this 14 month rule are processes in which blasting is carried out in or incidental to the cleaning of metal castings in connection with their manufacture or jute cloth manufacturing. In these cases LEV testing is required every month as a minimum requirement. A six-month minimum frequency of LEV testing is required for processes, other than wet processes, in which metal articles (other than gold, platinum or iridium) are ground, abraded or polished using mechanical power in any room for more than 12 hours per week. A six-month minimum frequency also applies to processes giving off dust or fume in which non-ferrous metal castings are produced.
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