Redwing Environmental - Quality Air Monitoring | Tel:0844 686 7000
Redwing Environmental - Quality Air Monitoring | Tel:0844 686 7000
Our Workplace Monitoring is conducted in line with the approved code of practice and guidance as documented in The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002.
COSHH Regulations cover a wide range of substances and mixtures having the potential to cause harm through ingestion, inhalation or bodily absorption. A hazardous substance can take the form of a solid, liquid, vapour or gas.
Employees should take action if a substance is hazardous in the form in which it occurs in the work activity. A hazardous workplace substance can be a single chemical compound or a mixture of compounds, such as flour, stone or wood dust. H5E EH40/2005 contains a list of hazardous workplace substances alongside the exposure limits for employers to meet their COSHH regulatory requirements.
Monitoring the exposure to identified hazardous substances is part of employers COSHH obligations. Redwing Environmental can assist with initial assessment monitoring, regular interval monitoring or at times when a change in process may affect levels of substance exposure. Our exposure monitoring techniques can assess the extent of employees exposure to hazardous substances from inhalation, ingestion or skin contact. The information we provide can help an employer decide whether exposure control measures are adequate or not.
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